Together For Jebbu

Together for Jebbu also arose as an aftermath of the 2021 attacks on Jebu Miango and sought to help families of Jebbu Miango Readers rebuild their lives and homes after the carnage.

Between August and October 2021, we reached out to Jebbu Miango community twice with food items and clothes. Thanks to the generosity of supporters and friends. In April 2022, we also reached out on Easter to Laake and Ariri villages in Miango district which were attacked in March 2022.


Another aspect of Together for Jebbu is the assistance of families in rebuilding and making their homes habitable again. In 2022, with support from the Plateau State Association USA and Stafanos Foundation, Claire Aid Foundation assisted One and Eight families respectively in roofing their houses. An additional house was roofed with funds raised on social media bringing a total number of families assisted in roofing to ten.