In 2019, Bitrus and Kangyang Gana moved into Jebbu Miango Community. Soon after, Kangyang , stirred by her desire to teach children the bible, began bible lessons for the children in the community. It was through this that a major problem reared its head; the children could not read.
Kangyang decided to do something to address the problem and invited some of the older kids for reading classes. They turned up and soon the younger siblings and friends tagged along.

As time went on, different children of different ages, strengths and levels of learning showed up. Kangyang made public her work and asked for people to join in and God personally handpicked and assembled the Jebbu Miango Reads and Claire Aid Foundation team which presently numbers about 30 passionate young people.

Presently, about two hundred and fifty (250) children benefit from Jebbu Miango Reads weekly, through 4 classes offering supplementary literacy and basic education.
We have seen remarkable improvements in reading and spoken English especially amongst learners who don’t attend conventional school.

Jebbu Miango Reads has a physical library structure which although not completed, is in use. It is open to the community and children 4 days a week. Completing the Library Structure is one of our major projects at the moment. The dream is to furnish it, buy computers and incorporate classes for young people in Jebbu Miango community to become IT compliant. Also attached to the library is a toilet block. This is to stem the problem of Open Defecation in the community.