Our one-month Summer Camp in partnership with Arm The Child Foundation ended on 2nd September 2023 and it was for lack of better words, glorious.
The one-month summer camp program was held from the 7th of August to the 1st of September 2023 and 78 children in Jebbu Miango – a rural community in Plateau State benefitted. The summer school program was borne out of a desire to both impart knowledge to and inspire children in rural Nigeria to learn.

The learners benefitted from from;
– Daily classes in Maths, English, Civic Education and Financial Literacy.
– Skill Acquisition training in baking, sewing and bead making.
– Sports.
– Lunch at school every day.
The testimonies are heartwarming from both volunteers and learners. We have children whose favourite subject changed from English to Maths thanks to their summer school math teacher. The learners are more confident and willing to learn and explore. A highlight was the excursion we took to the Jos Museum, zoo and a financial institution. It was a beautiful experience for the rural children to see what they could be and how close they were to it.

It was also a beautiful experience for the volunteers. Generally sourced by an online campaign, the team came together to resemble a family in just 4 weeks. Many were volunteering and stepping out to create impact for the first time and have testified to being inspired to do more.
Summarily, it was a massive success and we are grateful to every one of you who made it possible. Who volunteered. Donated. Prayed. Shared our posts. We are grateful. God bless.
Thank you ATCF. By God’s grace, we will do more!
#ngo #sdg4 #impact #education #children #hope #JebbuMiangoReads #claireaidfoundation